Birth registration details

Were all the children to be registered born within Worcestershire?

Were all the children to be registered born within Worcestershire?

If your baby was born outside of Worcestershire, but you are a resident of Worcestershire, then you have a choice of attending one of our registration offices and completing a declaration of birth. This declaration will then be posted to the register office in the district where the birth occurred. Once received, the birth will be registered using your declaration. Please be aware this process can take up to a week to complete and you will not be able to purchase a birth certificate until the birth has been registered in the district of birth. To obtain the birth certificate you will need to get in touch with the registration service that the declaration has been sent to. We will hold no details of this birth once the declaration appointment has been completed.

Do you live in Worcestershire? If no, please exit the page. Otherwise select yes to continue.

Do you live in Worcestershire? If no, please exit the page. Otherwise select yes to continue.

Parent means second female parent.

Are you married or in a civil partnership with the child's father/parent?

Are you married or in a civil partnership with the child's father/parent?

Are you married or in a civil partnership with the child's mother?

Are you married or in a civil partnership with the child's mother?

Are you married or in a civil partnership with the child's mother?

Are you married or in a civil partnership with the child's mother?

Are both mother and parent attending the appointment together?

Are both mother and parent attending the appointment together?

Are both mother and father attending the appointment together?

Are both mother and father attending the appointment together?

You will not be able to book this appointment online. Please call us on 01905 768181.

If you are not married or in a civil partnership with the mother; The mother must be in attendance with you for the second female parents details to entered on to the birth registration

Are both the mother and the father/parent attending the appointment?

Are both the mother and the father/parent attending the appointment?

Do you need an interpreter?

Do you need an interpreter?

Please note you must bring an interpreter along to the appointment. One will not be provided.

You will not be able to book this appointment online. Please call us on 01905 768181